Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Baltimore Inspector General Hilton Green has issued a report urging federal prosecutors to open the case of Baltimore businessman Robert Clay.

1 comment:

  1. lou fields
    justice delayed is truly justice denied. as the 4th year anniversary of the slaying of baltimore businessman robert l. clay approaches [may 16], all who knew clay surely know this is the last man on earth who would commit suicide.

    The real problem is murder in blatimore is so commonplace; it rarley raising the eyebrows of the citizens and those sworn and paid to PUNISH the shooters and killers who committ and get away with the hundreds of murders that occur in this city every year.

    this year we are up to 80 murders and city hall is quietly dancing with the stars while blood runs in our streets.

    with less than a 40% arrest and conviction record Baltimore city police and the city's state's attorney's offices are too busy pointing the blame at the victims and the bystanders.

    Nightly and even in broad daylight the murderous thugs have let it known that they run this city.

    Ask the tourists who got stomped on and beat down by the city's free wheeling thugs recently in the inner harbor and at the belevede hotel.

    From the Corner to the Wire, Baltimore is still in too many ways---Homicide on the Streets.
