Thursday, May 14, 2009

Clearance Stats

Via Facebook: "HOMICIDE STATS: So far this year, BPD has charged 75 people w/ murder compared to 26 last year. Homicide clearance rate is 63% vs 51% in 08... these are homicides from the last couple of years."

Ed Norris podcast: Carl Lackl's mom and sister punched in the head in the courtroom! (Note to slacking workers: this is an audio link)

Another tourist assault: Yankees fans robbed at the same motel where Petro Taylor was beaten


  1. This is really anal retentive on my part and I apologize, however Carl Lackl's mother was punched during a preliminary hearing and not during the trial itself.

    BTW, I found it reassuring to hear how she had nothing but praise for all of the prosecutors and LEOs she dealt with as well as the judge in the case. There are far too many horror stories about victim's families being treated like trash by a criminal "justice" system that cares more about the criminals than the victims.

  2. ppatin, It was the State Prosecutor's office that gave Lackl's address to the defense and failed to tell Lackl they had done that.

    So in effect, the State Prosecutor aided in the murder of Lackl.
