Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Double Shooting

.. at the Edmondson Village shopping center.

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A gunshot victim at Eager & Somerset, above.

In better news, new police efforts to catch the a-holes who break into cars!


  1. You can see the elementary school (St. James &John) down the street on Somerset. It happened just as the kids were getting ready to leave for the day. They put the school on lockdown.

  2. Please save TinyURL for Twitter. Those of us at work need to see where we're clicking.

  3. I use TinyUrl for Sun links (and only Sun links) because otherwise the links expire in 30 days and the stories get lost in their very-user-unfriendly and expensive archives.
    I promise I will warn you if something is NSFW!

  4. Or be prepared NOT to click through when you're browsing the web at work...

  5. How about I'll leave the Sun links up for a few days and then try to remember to convert them.

  6. I don't understand how using TinyURL solves the Sun link problem. Does it follow their weird changes dynamically?

    TinyURL is appropriate where there are character length constraints as on Twitter, and when you intentionally want to hide the destination of a link.

    Am I missing a hidden benefit of TinyURL? I don't want to unwittingly wind up at Baltimore John Watch again at work.


  7. links don't expire with it because it caches the page, I believe. I only use it for the Sun, though. Not BJ watch. Should've used it for the Examiner links, too late now.
    But how does no redirect solve your work problem-- without a redirect do you have a way to see what a link is before you click it?

  8. Yes, the link destination is shown in the status bar of your browser when you hover over it. Indispensable at work.
