Monday, May 11, 2009

Hopkins Security: Get a Stunt Wallet

From the security bulletin:

3900 Block Tudor Arms Avenue

May 9, 2009 - 11:15 PM

On May 9th at 11:15 PM, two graduate students walking southbound observed two unknown males in front of them when a third unknown male stepped out from behind the students, pointed a handgun and demanded property. One student relinquished her purse; the other student handed over unknown amount of money.  The suspects were last seen running north toward West University Parkway.  No injuries.  Baltimore Police and Campus Officers searched the area with negative results.  A Campus Officer recovered the victim’s purse in a grassy area less her cell phone and wallet.  Investigation continuing.

When confronted with an armed robber the best thing to do safety-wise is to relinquish any property demanded. Consider carrying a second, disposable wallet with a small amount of cash which can be relinquished to a robber without great loss to you.
... also, perhaps suburbanites should consider renting a smaller, cheaper apartment downtown and appointing it with cheap appliances!


  1. How about this. We start killing these filthy animals.

  2. A "stunt" wallet? They've got to be kidding!

    Just fork the wallet. What could possibly be in there?

    No normal person, not even a JHU geek, carries more than what? $20 - $100 max in cash. The cards are easily taken care of with a phone call. The worst thing is getting your driver's license replaced.
