Monday, May 4, 2009

Local hero

WMAR's Pete O'Neal is Baltimore's only overnight videographer, and the only one who works weekends.
Here's his coverage of last night's shooting of a 15-year-old who tried to rob an officer (on the right).


  1. If you follow this link and go to the second photo you'll see a picture of two of Byers' FIVE kids along with (will anyone be surprised by this) two of his babymommas. What fine specimens of a degenerate inner-city culture. The really sad thing is that you might as well already reserve prison cells for those kids, because that is where they are almost certain to end up.

  2. And this "family" argued for leniency for this animal.

    One of his sperm receptacles said this. "He's not a monster. He's a loving father," Green said. "The public sent an innocent man to jail."

    There is NO hope for Baltimore. Get out now while you can.
