Monday, May 4, 2009

Judge: Underpaid Lawyer is No Excuse

"Maryland pays private defense lawyers assigned to capital cases far too little, but that’s no reason to prevent prosecutors from seeking the death penalty, an Anne Arundel County judge has ruled" in the case of one of the men accused of murdering correctional officer David W. McGuinn.

Terry Love's lawyer plans to sue prosecutors for defamation

CP: Live Entertainment Bill Gutted


  1. David McGuinn was murdered in the summer of 2006, and his killers will only go on trial in the spring of 2010? Unfuckingbelievable. Once again our so-called "justice" system demonstrates that victims and their loved ones have ZERO rights. I can only imagine the hell that Officer McGuinn's family is going through.

  2. wonder if we'll get a Byers verdict today...

  3. Gaaaaaah!!!

    What the hell was wrong with those braindead jurors? Why don't they just go and take a shit on Carl Lackl's grave while they're at it!

  4. There isn't anything wrong with that jury. They all have to be in agreement about the death penalty. All it takes is for one person to have a problem with the death penalty and it won't be given. It's not an election.

    Not everyone has the same values.

  5. "Not everyone has the same values."

    True. At least one juror apparently didn't value the life of Carl Lackl.

  6. The animal gets to live. But what do you expect in these times.
