Sunday, May 31, 2009

Six shootings and one stabbing

in the past 24 hours, reports Spotcrime

NYT: "Black tar" heroin from Ohio making its way southwest


  1. Last Tuesday (May 2009):

    A group of five young males (black, teenagers)are on the Baltimore Light Rail.

    One is repeating the phrase: "Why're you lookin' at me?"

    As the train stops somewhere near Cherry Hill, one of the boys walks up to a random stranger (white dude, late 20's / early 30's) and punches him in the face.

    The group of boys jumps off the train. The train moves on down the line. The passengers react with a mixture of shame and shock and disbelief.

    It was senseless, useless. It furthered the stereotypes that many people in this city probably have about a certain segment of the youth population.

    It is sad. I am tired of it. The guy who got hit says he was ok, but he wasn't sure what they're problem was. Neither was I.

    It sounded like a smack, a pop. It wasn't a full blow to the guy's face, but it was a blow to the city's future.

    I wonder if this happens every day here in Baltimore. I wonder if this is why Balltimore is one of the country's most mis-understood cities. It is certainly a city that is going to be struggling for a long time.

  2. I was walking along Greenmount Avenue when a girl I don't know walked alongside me and punched toward my face (stopping just before making contact). She thought that was fun.

    Was there a police officer around anywhere? No. Would they care if I reported it? No. So, it's just accepted practice in Baltimore to do these things.

    This is the kind of city one could easily do without.

  3. Racism runs rampant in Baltimore. When a group of black youths target a white person. It is a hate crime. After all the guy wasn't punched because they loved him. I am sick and tired of media, liberals, politicians and police saying it was not racism or hate crime. Now if a group of white boys walks up to a black man and punches him and calls him a ni**er or a black mothe*f****r then it is automatically a hate crime and racism. I guess someone is going to think I am racist for even thinking this.

  4. I'm right there with you, Yeti. In fact, I've tried (and failed) to find ANY mention of a case in which a white person was a victim of a hate crime that was prosecuted. To my knowledge, this has never happened.

    I've been randomly attacked by teenage animals like this as well. I've had to develop some street smarts that I wasn't raised with. I don't let these animals get close to me. I always make brief eye contact and put my hand on my weapon. Don't look like "prey". They're animals, you have to deal with them on an animal level.

    If I'm in a situation where I'm outnumbered by rowdy youths that match this description, you'd better believe I'm ready to hurt them back.
