Friday, May 22, 2009

Too Much Attention, Too Little Attention

Court of Appeals: city's "problem-solving" drug courts are legal

Former deacon of Beth El Temple Church of Christ in Park Heights accused of sexually assaulting a teenage boy

Legislature closes sex-offender loophole

Hagtown corrections officers to be tried in groups for inmate beating

Mom-napped 555-pound teen found in town (wonder if she's like that creepy "Half Ton Teen" mom, spackling extra mayo on his sandwiches)

east sideWow! The American Brewery in Broadway East has been restored to serve as HQ for a nonprofit. Broadway East is aka "a Neighborhood Abandoned"

1 comment:

  1. A, yes, this East Side neighborhood has been middleclass white people which are the only people that matter to the Baltimore Sun. Last time I checked there were plenty of people living near the brewery, but you wouldn't know it by reading the article. This is the kind of crap you get when you have unpaid college interns writing most of your news articles.
