Monday, June 8, 2009


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"Police were called about 11 a.m. Sunday to a residence in the 900 block of Brooks Lane to check on the well-being of Dana Richardson, 44, who had not been answering his door"


  1. The federal trial of Marvin Gilbert, James Dinkins and Darron Goods could go to the jury today. Gilbert and Dinkins are facing the death penalty while Goods is looking at a life sentence (which as with all federal sentences comes with no chance of parole. I <3 <3 <3 federal sentencing rules.)

  2. It looks like no one will be charged in the death of Ronnie White, the cop-killing piece of garbage from PG County who was found dead in his cell last year.

  3. how are we so sure he did what they say he did? there was no trial, they killed him too fast...but thats what PG County cops are known for..killing

  4. There may not have been a trial, but from what I recall the evidence against White was pretty overwhelming. Even if he wasn't responsible for that particular crime Ronnie White had a rap sheet as long as my arm. It's a good thing that he's dead.

    All that being said, the thought of jail guards being able to get away with summary executions is a little disturbing. The recent busts in the Maryland prison system show that some COs are no better than the criminals they're guarding. If he was killed then Ronnie White got what he deserved, but the next case may not be so clear cut. Of course, it's far from certain that White didn't commit suicide.

  5. Since I haven't done so for a while, I thought I'd post a map of lovely Charles Village/Waverly for the last 90 days.

    Enjoy the festival.
