Thursday, June 11, 2009


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"Western District police responding to shots fired about 7:30 p.m. [last night] found Darnell Johns, 21, lying in the 1700 block of N. Payson St. and another man in the nearby 1800 block of N. Pulaski St."

Bodies of two women found in Waltherson in the in the 4000 block of Biddison Lane, so far no word on how they died

Murder charges dropped for 15-year-old Christopher Briggs due to a "serious proof problem," according to Briggs' atty Jack Rubin. Briggs turned himself in for the murder of 18-year-old Keon Cameron

Kids detained for curfew violations, and parents won't come get them

CSA: No mas for former Commish Kevin Clark
y nada for retired Raven Michael McCrary

Lawyer/stalker's license suspended
by the Court of Appeals

Crime drives venture capital firm to Timonium

"Burned dog may be linked to dogfighting, police say"

Illegal turtle vendors arrested; the little cuties spread salmonella


  1. Still no verdict in the Gilbert/Dinkins/Goods trial.

    Speaking of death penalty cases, does anyone here know what happened to Jody Miles's latest appeal to the Court of Appeals? From what I recall it's been over a year since his lawyers presented their arguments to the court and as far as I know they still haven't returned a decision.

  2. In case anyone saw ABC2 News last night, our Comedian-in-Chief Dixon was doing her best to reassure us that, in fact, the harbor is safe! She stated that not all of the incidents are related - in fact, the Science Center beating was just part of a gang initiation! OH thank heavens! It was just a gang initiation. Whew, what a relief it must be to all the residents and potential tourists that it was JUST a gang initiation, not anything serious!

    I cannot wrap my brain around this. Can you imagine the mayor of New York coming on TV and telling everyone to calm down about the rash of beatings in Times Square because the one by the Recruiting Center was JUST A GANG INITIATION? Or the mayor of DC telling everyone to relax about the violent assaults at the National Mall - the one by the Lincoln Memorial was JUST A GANG INITIATION?!?

    Insane. This city is insane. I always THINK I've heard/seen/been force-fed it all, and then, something like this happens...

  3. I have a better idea:

    you get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against your city taxes for every cent you spend funding the provision (through an appropriate formal fund or district) of alternative security or sanitation services.

  4. I'm with Galt: this is just backdoor overtime. We need another 500-1,000 competent sworn officers to properly police the city.

    While I was walking my dog tonight, I saw at least two cops tied up in traffic accidents, and I had an idea. Why not create a new classification in the BPD: community officer. Very similar to DC's Special Police Officer, but restricted to traffic enforcement, nuisance investigation, and special event security. Authorized to arrest and shoot, but paid maybe $5-10 less per hour than cops. Regular police would be freed up to work misdemeanor and felony crime, and the other work would be done by the community service officers.

    Eh? Eh?
