Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Escape-Proof Habitat

Four shootings and a carjacking that ended with an SUV going through the front of a house on Exeter st. last night
Watch out for people who approach your car with a "hard-luck story"

Mark Kenneth Floyd was arrested for killing the women on Biddison Lane. According to the JIS, Floyd has had two nol-prossed assaults on his record and is due in court Friday after next to answer charges that he was a felon in possession of a stolen shotgun.

Conviction for the murders of Vanessa Price, 36, and her 16-year-old daughter Bianca may be thrown out
in lieu of allegations of judge's bias

FHB III on "media blitz"

Judge Nance taking heat for jailing mom who said "I love you"

Rashid Hall arrested for "a carime that is hard for anyone to believe."

"Prairie dogs immediately escape from $500k escape-proof habitat"


  1. The priarie dog story sounds like Central Booking downtown.

  2. And as usual, after a police-involved shooting at Greenmount & 20th a couple days ago, we got this double-shooting this morning at Lorraine & Greenmount.

  3. A little further up the street in the same district, the pizzeria on Barclay & E. 33rd Street was robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight (it seems) in the midst of the very busy Farmers Market.

  4. 9:30 in the morning?!
    I like police "seeking a woman wearing male clothing and a dew rag"

  5. I believe it's called a 'Du Rag"

  6. Commr. Bealefeld was on TV last night in an interview about the tripling of police manpower around the Inner Harbor.

    He said he wanted to convey the notion that those (criminal) knuckleheads are not welcome Downtown. They're not welcome at the Harbor.

    "We'd prefer that they stay where they live.", he said.

    Well,.... thanks a lot!

    They live, Commissioner, in my friggin' neighborhood, and I've got news for you: I don't want them either.

  7. So please triple the policing in MY district too.

  8. Am I the only one who hates the Sun's new website?

  9. Oh, here's a link to that police shooting incident at Greenmount & 23rd.

  10. In a recent interview, Bealefeld disclosed that there are about 40,000 open warrants outstanding, which is the same number it's been for years, and that last year his department made about 80,000 (on-view) arrests, down about 25,000 from 2005. That decrease is understood to have been responsive to a strong perception of low-quality (ie. false or unchargeable)arrests at that time.

    Why do I bring up the stats again?

    Simple: Baltimore only has about 635,000 people. Of those, 40,000 have open warrants.

    That's 10% of all adults under 65 years old. Further, females account for only about 10% of arrests, so nearly 20% of all males aged 18-65 in this town have open warrants at this time.

    That figure is absolutely astounding, people.

    And it's why Baltimore is such a sewer of a municipality.

  11. And, of course, given the recent interest in the quality of crime statistics, I repost my analysis of about a year ago:

  12. I suppose that would be true if each warrant went to ONE prep. The fact is there are probably a lot of people walking around with multiple warrants. I would not be surprised if most people who had warrants had more than one.

  13. The vast quantity of open warrants work to my benefit. If one happens to piss me off I simply make an effort to find out their name and their current address. Then I find a cop who is able to run warrants, et voila. I can have the person removed from my sight almost immediately. It's a beautiful easy system. Keep the outstanding warrants just as they are.

  14. Cham:

    You don't even need to know a cop, you can just look people up in MD Judiciary Case Search.

  15. Whether you use a cop or not, you still have to know the real name of the person in question. The problem is _every_ street person has a ridiculous street name. Still, I am amazed at how cops can actually get real names out of people.

    Not sure if the court search has info about warrants on it, does it?

  16. Yes, the judiciary case search has the warrants. The warrants often have the aka's if they are known on the judicial system. Real names can be found on real property search if the person owns a home, or on a lease. Family member will know real names as well as SOs and ex-SOs. When I put my mind to it, I can come up with someone's real name relatively easily.
