Thursday, June 4, 2009

Police response to a nanny attack in Bolton Hill raises questions

"An Owings Mills woman was sentenced to a year in prison Wednesday after she pleaded guilty to stealing more than $450,000 from the University of Maryland, Baltimore"



    Assault (Off-Campus)


    2000 Block of E. Baltimore St.


    Wednesday, June 3, approximately 3:45 p.m.


    While en route to his car parked off campus, a Johns Hopkins Hospital employee was knocked to the ground from behind by three African-American males. The suspects continued to assault him and then fled the scene heading westbound on East Baltimore Street and northbound on Washington Street. Campus security and the Baltimore City Police Department were notified. A search of the area by Corporate Security and responding police met with negative results. An assault report was taken by the Baltimore City Police Department. The victim was not seriously injured and declined medical treatment.


    3 African-American males; approximately 16 to 18 years of age; approximately 5' 10" and 160 lbs.; wearing green t-shirts and dark pants.

    Anyone with information is asked to contact Corporate Security's Investigations Unit at 410-955-9140 (weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), or Security Communications at 410-955-5585 (24 hours/7 days).

    All faculty, staff and students are reminded to alert Security Communications immediately (5-5585) of any suspicious persons or activity.

  2. Steal $450, get five years. Steal $450000, get one.

  3. One was a violent crime and the other wasn't.
