Monday, June 1, 2009

Random Attacks

Victims of random attacks by packs of juveniles include an off-duty NJ police officer. Reader "Tom" writes about a man punched in the face by teens on the Light Rail.

QTD: "The harbor should not be a de facto day care center for people"

Police say last week's raids caught a big fish, Emiliano "Blikk" Aguas, "identified as the leader of the local Pasadena Denver Lanes Bloods set" and now being held without bail.


  1. Kids are doing stupid and dangerous things all over the city, not just down town.

    Just yesterday I helped a motorist call police on N. Howard Street just after rush hour. He asked for help because kids threw a brick through his side window for no reason. He kept saying, "Thank god my granddaughter wasn't in the car at the time, that's where her car seat would be."

  2. This is what a lot of experienced Baltimore crime-watchers fear when the warm weather finally comes; apparently now this banking of people seems to be taking on a life of its own, but the question remains: is this something new or different or just that we know about it more now, because of the web?

    Now is the time for the mayor to speak up and use her bully pulpit--not send the commissioner down to the Inner Harbor and talk to the press. She needs to say: young people: this is wrong! It is cowardly to attack people who you've never met, and have not done anything to you. Grow up! Stop acting immature: this is your city, too!

    I imagine the inner harbor area will be pretty safe the rest of this month. I worry about the rest of the city, including Mt. Vernon, and the possible appearance of our own Bernie Goetz.

  3. Funny. There isn't a lot of "young people" throwing bricks through windows and attacking tourists in Arnold, Bel Air, or Potomac.

  4. That you know of. Who reports on crime in those areas? The Pennysaver?

  5. A few weeks ago, a Friday night, I was driving East on Pratt St., toward the ESPN zone at around 7 or 8pm. There was a HUGE fracas spilling out of Harbor place and into Pratt St. Several people were figthing, and about 100 others were gathered around shouting and hooting like savages. I had to change lanes to avoid the crowd. One or two people beat on my car as I passed. It was like I was driving though some lawless 3rd world country.

    If you go to the Inner Harbor at night, you're really not that bright. The place is a zoo. Stay away.
