Wednesday, October 21, 2009

20 Years for Couple Who Shot Hotel Worker

From the SAO:
At a sentencing hearing yesterday, Judge Paul Smith sentenced Darryl Newsome, 20, of the 900 block of North Bradford Street and Keya Gardner, 24, of the 800 block of N. Montford Avenue to 35 years suspend all but 20 years in prison and 30 years suspend all but 20 years in prison, respectively for attempted first-degree murder and first-degree assault. Judge Smith also ordered both defendants to serve five years probation upon their release. The state had asked for life prison terms.

A Baltimore jury convicted Newsome and Gardner May 12, 2009.

Witnesses testified that on October 24, 2007 Keya Gardner got into a heated argument with Sean Levy, 21, while they were both working at the BWI Hilton. Shortly after the argument witnesses testified they overheard Gardner talking on her phone telling someone to “bring that thing.” Witnesses believed Gardner was referring to a gun. The state presented evidence proving that phone conversation was with Darryl Newsome, the boyfriend of Keya Gardner.

Because of the argument, Gardner and the victim were told by management to leave for the night. The victim went to his vehicle with another co-worker. During that time witnesses saw Darryl Newsome arrive in a silver vehicle with three unknown persons. Witnesses testified they heard Gardner speak to Newsome and point out Sean Levy to Mr. Newsome. Shortly after Gardner got into her vehicle with another co-worker. Sean Levy also got in his vehicle with a different co-worker to take that co-worker home. Witnesses reported Gardner began to follow the victim in her car. A high speed chase ensues along the I295 northbound corridor into Baltimore. Eventually, as they arrived near their destination, the victim reports that as he made a right turn. Gardner was unable to follow him. Witnesses then saw the same silver vehicle Darryl Newsome was driving earlier turn down the same street. As Sean Levy was parking his car he and witnesses saw the silver car pull up. Darryl Newsome then got out on the passenger side of the vehicle and began shooting at Sean Levy and his car. Sean Levy was shot multiple times in the upper torso and is now paralyzed from the waist down.

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1 comment:

  1. such lies...i have seen mr levy walk and i know his mom put him up to this.
