Friday, October 23, 2009

Bad education

Horribleness. Glen Burnie man convicted of killing his 8-year-old stepson in Japan

Shawn Stokes, aka "Mother of 14-year-old shot by officer" says her son had dropped his gun... and Sun readers are puh-issed (thx non)

A dorm-room pervert at MICA

Police dept. attorney who also found time to moonlight as a criminal defense lawyer has resigned from her BPD job

Check out the piles of files at the domestic violence unit

Sonja Sohn using "The Wire" as teaching tool.


  1. Peter Herrman's top-15 awful Baltimore crimes. Slightly macabre, but interesting.

  2. Although it was just a tweet on the blog, the sun has more details about the 14y/o shot by police during a robbery of a med student.,0,6985140.story

  3. I saw the mother of the shot 14-year old on the TV news yesterday. She looked and sounded like a degenerate piece of trash. It's no wonder her son turned out the way he did.

  4. All I have to say is that my friend is the one who was held at gunpoint and his story does NOT match what the mother of the juvenile delinquent is saying.

  5. Keep rewarding folks for having kids and you get 14-year-old "children" on the street robbing people with guns.

  6. What station had Charles Henry Kelly III's mom?

    A part of me wishes reporters would just ignore the relatives of criminal "victims," (Donald Rice's sister, Patrick Byers' babymom) on the other hand, if you wonder what kind of mentality and gall it takes to normalize the victimization of others, nothing really sums it up better.

  7. I'm pretty sure TV stations are out to make money. Reporting on the victim's kin's opinion oddly enough makes lousy television. Allowing someone who has an opinion that is going to be opposite 95% of the viewing audience actually increases viewership and encourages discussion, just like we have here.

    Don't you see, you've all been duped. I learned this when I was asked to express my written opinion once on a WJZ piece. It was the same thing. A large piece of trash took a nap while her toddler fell out a 4th floor window and died in the fall. They asked me to watch a video of the tearful mother who claimed her innocence in the matter. The news station intern wanted to measure my level of anger. (This was during a fun-filled day at jury duty while I waited for my number to be called).

  8. I couldn't resist. Rather than join the Sun commenters with an additional comment, I slapped the name 'Charles Henry Kelly' into the old case search. There is a CHK born in 1967 in there, lives on 119 North Fremont. 5 criminal cases, the last dated 2003: 2 thefts, 1 CDS (not marijuana), 1 trespassing, and 1 malicious destruction of property.

    Apple....tree. This kid doesn't stand a chance in hell.

  9. quote Councilman Jack Young from Investigative Voice:

    "We need an outside agency to come in and fix this department; the disciplinary system is broken," said City Councilman Bernard "Jack" Young.

    "We need outside oversight period, either the Justice Department or the FBI. Maybe we need to bring the National Guard in, because this is not working and they cannot be trusted to police themselves at this point," he added.

    I agree. Not just about discipline/EEOC.

    The National guard should be called in to take over the operation of this city, not unlike the caretaker government under Brenner in Iraq. Baltimore City is full of criminals and miscreants. Just look at the mayor. It cannot self-govern before it has been demographically restructured.

  10. What do you mean by 'demographically restructured'?

  11. I don't understand why the domestic violence unit is using paper file folders. Have they not figured out how to utilize a digital data management system?

  12. Yep, Cham, you got the right person. Shawn Stokes used to live at that Fremont address too. She's a winner too (look for the one with a birthdate of 03/1967).

  13. Demographically restructured -

    containing a far lower percentage of repeat criminals, vagrants, multigenerationally unemployed, etc.

    also, containing far fewer who are technically employed by government or nonprofits, but don't actually do WORK.

    containing far fewer who are chronically addicted

    containing far fewer who lack a basic education, even though they may have made it through Baltimore public school. (I don't care about your diploma; if you cannot read and add, you cannot function outside a manufacturing or agrarian setting.)

    containing far more people who have something... anything... important and functional to do in the morning (go to work, go to school, raise the children), which gives them a reason to NOT hang on the street corner at 3:00 am and NOT get locked for some dumb sh*t during the night (or day, for that matter).

    That's kinda what I mean by demographic change.

    Fewer useless pieces of sh*t hanging around contaminating the city.

  14. Oh, and far, far fewer sitting in section 8 or public housing waiting for their check on the first of the month.

  15. Let's flesh out Shawn D. Stokes, shall we? As far as I can tell from the case search she was living with the baby daddy of Charles Henry Kelly III in 2004 over on 119 North Fremont Street but brought one Delvon Young to court for child support. Perhaps Shawn is parenting more than one child.

    In 2006 she relocated herself to 1018 Druid Hill Ave, but, sadly, forgot to send one of her minions to school. Perhaps this was a slight oversight on her part.

    Also, it looks like Shawn Stokes was trying to sue someone for something and included a Shantrice Kelly, a Shawntay Kelly and a Shawnday Kelly in the suit, from an incident that occurred in 1990. I'm not quite sure what that was about.

    I guess I'm led to ask how many kids is this woman (and Charles Henry Kelly) responsible for parenting and where are they? Inquiring minds wish to know.

  16. Ah, if you look up Shawntay Kelly in the case search it looks to me that 1990 civil suit has been reopened in 2007 and its a lead paint case against some guy who lives in Jupiter, Florida.

    That suit adds a couple of plantiffs: Shawnmaine Kelly and Shawnrice Kelly. Now I'm getting hungry for Chinese food.

    I'm going to dream about all these Shawns tonight, I just know it.

  17. Cham,
    You need to go back and check out Charles Henry Kelly in the case search again. This time do just the letter H for the middle name. At least 20 entries on him.

  18. Never heard of someone actually being arrested for not sending their child to school in this city, wow.

  19. I wonder where daddy is? He did 60 at the jail for a CDS and was released on 01/04/06. And then...nothing. This doesn't seem like the kind of guy that can go more than a few months without thefting something.

  20. @ John Galt - so much for posse comitatus, huh?
