Monday, November 9, 2009

$7 million man

Jessamy's office just announced the 24 cout indictment of George Sybert, who is alleged to have stolen a cool $7 million. Apparently this is not the first time Sybert has been in hot water.


  1. I wonder what is going to Happen To the current Mayor Sheila Dixon.If she is found guilty,whow will be the new mayor?

  2. Jury is from Baltimore City. She will not be found guilty.

  3. I agree with you there Mel.I heard that they even let cop killers go free in the city,that why I no longer live in the city.

  4. Two indictments for car theft as a result of the Annie McCann case.

  5. Now what are the parents going to pick on?

  6. I'm glad that car theft charges were brought (it sounds like there's a rock-solid case that that's what happened) but now that this has been done it's time for the parents to accept that their daughter was not murdered. I get that the official explanation is weird, but what else could have happened? She obviously wasn't stabbed, shot or beaten, and Baltimore hoodlums don't kill people by making them guzzle Bactine.

  7. Sometimes it's easier to blame and point fingers in a place where your daughter spent 1 hour of her life rather than look at what was going on where she spent 16 years. The parents aren't interested in looking at what was happening in their own home.

  8. In Cham's case, the victim was white and the perps were black. So no harm no foul.

  9. Mel:

    She committed suicide, so the perps aren't responsible for her death.

  10. ppatin:

    Keep working on getting the death penalty going in Maryland.....
