Monday, November 30, 2009

More bad news

Looks like November just got deadlier


  1. The Dixon jury is deadlocked on at least some of the charges against her. They'll be coming back tomorrow.

  2. The news is going to continue to be bad because nobody is making any changes to the way Baltimore City manages its police force and other departments.

    I've escalated my Inner Harbor bike riding complaints and am still getting pretty much nowhere. I'm awash in sea of majors and deputy majors, apparently none of them have any authority to do anything. But they certainly enjoy studying the issue.

    Here is the reason. If the police do nothing they get paid. If they do something, make changes and everything works out well they get paid. If they do something and it doesn't work out well, they get blamed and that would stymie their police career, and they maybe wouldn't get paid as much as they could. So their best course of action is to do nothing.

    If black people with long rap sheets are dying in record numbers I'm not sure the police care enough to take any action because it would just create more work. The police have their districts, their lieutenants, their assignments and their titles. Why rock the boat? Especially a boat with a lucrative retirement deal. They are going to beg to be one of the 8 police officers that spend their time this winter on a vastly empty promenade chasing one lone middle-age white female bike rider. Black people with long rap sheets tend not to complain, make phone call after phone call and demand meetings with police majors. And I am learning that even if I do that nothing changes either.

    I'm thinking that if we all pool our money and give Sheila a really hefty gift card for Nordstroms maybe she'll take some interest in tackling the murder problem. And if she doesn't maybe we can get some permits to build a condo complex.

    Brace yourself, at the rate we are going this year Baltimore is going to be the murder leader in the US.

    I have so many good ideas on how to improve things around here, but it is a complete waste of brain cells to even think about it.
