Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What is this, 3rd grade?

Jean Marbella claims a Dixon juror gave another juror a new hairstyle in the deliberation room.


  1. I'm not going to hang anyone out to dry for a rebraiding. If the majority of the jurors feel one way and only a few feel another, sometimes it is best to form one-on-one teams rather than have 10 people vocally disagreeing with 2. The rebraiding would also send a clear indication that these folks don't mind being in this for the long haul. Although no one has every offered to braid my hair, I've been known to do a crossword or 2 during deliberations.

  2. A 21-year old "youth leader" (I'm not quite sure what that means) was murdered in South Baltimore. Apparently he was active in the community and had no criminal record. RIP :(

  3. What a shame..a positive young guy walking his dog gets shot and killed with his dog still sticking around his body....was he clean as it seem? I dont think it matters, he was showing positive efforts in the community, thats more then 99.9999% of other bmore youths...and i bet this story gets ZERO coverage...reminds me of the Zackary H. murder in the Alameda a year ago..

  4. If Miss Shirley says he's clean, then he probably was. This is a tragedy for Cherry Hill.
