Wednesday, December 30, 2009


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Unidentified man, 2300 block of Greenmount Ave in front of the Jolly Tsa Carryout (pan right)


  1. Just wanted to post this link to a story on probation violation in the area.

  2. FYI, Virginia imposed a ban on parole years ago and Pennsylvania Gov. Rendell has proposed to ban parole for all violent offenders, having experimented with a two month moratorium on parole in 2008.

    So, if the Feds banned parole, and the states north and south of us ban parole and Delaware has revisited its re-entry program,..

    I wonder just where in the area the hoodlums might be inclined to go .....

    Hmmmm. Maybe,.. uh,... Baltimore ?

    Kinda like that rapist from Rappohannock, VA last week?

    Maryland should probably ban parole for Baltimore offenders, but that might be unlawful.

    So,.. how about banning the parolees from redlined neighborhoods already overburdened with parolees?

    It is a standard term of parole that convicts avoid associating with known criminals. Well, if they take up residence upon release ina neighborhood which is 75% criminal, that would be impossible, no?

    So,... ban them from those neighborhoods. Subject them to immediate arrest and violation if picked up in the designated areas.

    You will never successfully mainstream them when they go straight from prison to the 'hood, with bad influences everywhere.

  3. Ok, you ban them from the 'hood. Where do you put them?

  4. Um, you distribute them evenly across the voting population that wants them let out of jail.

    As in..., they can live in Roland Park, too.

  5. Roland Park? Sounds like the basis for a movie starring Eddie Murphy...

  6. Move the filth to Roland Park and Roland Park becomes filth.

  7. Who is going to pay for these people to stay in jail for years and years and years? The states are broke, we can't afford unlimited jail time. California is letting inmates free even before the sentences are anywhere near finished because the state doesn't have the money for incarcerations. Healthcare gets expensive for an aging prison population who pose no threat to society. Warehousing people who have been convicted of violent crimes doesn't work.

  8. Incarceration is expensive, but letting thugs out on the street costs us much more in the long run. Look at the guy who murdered Kimberly Foxworth out on the Eastern shore. Two rape convictions, but he never did serious time.

    BTW, I have a solution for both prison overcrowding and our current shortage of donor organs, unfortunately we live in a society that would never agree to such a thing...

  9. I am SO tired of well-meaning people not wanting to pay for the cost of incarcerating the hoodlums but also not wanting them to live next door.

    Either jail 'em or welcome them to YOUR neighborhood.

  10. Cham, you are making a good argument for PPatin.
