Monday, December 21, 2009

Canton attacker

A man offering to shovel snow for residents in Canton forces his way into a woman's home and sexually assaults her.


  1. What's more - this same individual who perpetrated this horrendous crime was arrested 3 years ago for breaking and entering, robbery and auto theft for crimes committed in the 900 block of South Kenwood.

    Something must be done about crime in this city.

  2. proof? doesn't show up in case search

  3. He's 19 now. If he was arrested 3 years ago, it wouldn't show up in public records because he would have been a juvenile.

    It's kind of unusual his address of record is Kilmarnock, VA. Just a trivial statement I guess.

  4. Peter Hermann wrote that the suspect is being investigated for two rapes in Rappahannock County, VA and was given permission by his VA probation officer to visit his family in Baltimore for Christmas.

  5. Lancaster County VA not Rappahannock County.

  6. Someone offered to shovel out my car. Eep!

  7. Ppatin:

    That enthusiastic shoveler could have raped you, murdered you or cut your throat, or all 3. Be careful out there, the big bad city is a very dangerous place. Eep is right.

  8. Cham:

    I was being sarcastic. There were plenty of people around, and on account of my gender I'm pretty sure I'll never need to worry about getting raped as long as I stay out of prison.

  9. How do you know you won't be raped, Ppatin? Did you know that 98% of rapes are committed by men on men? Naturally, most of them are committed in prison but there are a fair amount of male on male rapes on the outside as well. Men loathe to report these things. And male on male rape is not that unusual in Charm City, look at what happened to that poor gay kid a few weeks ago. We haven't seen a picture of you Ppatin, you might be a tender morsel for somebody, don't underestimate yourself.

  10. 98%, really Cham! Where are you getting this information from?
    Of course, for the researchers out there, they need to know!
    Under the legal definitions, man-on-man rape is "sodomy", and is under "sex offense" violations of various degrees, but I agree with you that it's greatly under-reported. However, most rapes are tremendously underreported, perhaps as many as 95%. But who knows?

    When I was a young officer in the Southern, I handled a case in Pigtown where two youngsters (boys) in their early teens attacked and sodomized another kid their age.

    Interestingly, it is widely believed by police that the majority which are reported are, false reports, or so they are amended to once the reporting person is interviewed in depth by police. Of course, falsely reporting to "cover" other activities does a disservice to true victims.

    As far a PPatin, he is a pretty tough guy, part of that sword-wielding, brain-wielding JHU crew: I wouldn't mess with him! Although we all could meet our match---there's always somebody out there badder than you are. But, I'm kinda fatalistic about it: when your time's up, it's up.
    However, Cham, I understand you ride your bike thru some shaky neighborhoods, not to mention tempting arrest by the local gendarmes around the harbor, so we all must be careful.
    Hope you have a great holiday, and we have no more reporting on this gruesome subject by gruesome actors.

  11. Here's an update from our wonderful HABC:

    indigents convicted of misdemeanors are now welcome in public housing.

    Now, I'm actually an advocate of reentry assistance for those who have once and for all gotten over their criminal inclinations, but this is just another case of a criminal town (with its criminal Mayor) accommodating its criminal population. And what of the welfare of the (rare) virtuous poor trying to survive in public housing? They're screwed.

  12. "Interestingly, it is widely believed by police that the majority which are reported are, false reports, or so they are amended to once the reporting person is interviewed in depth by police. Of course, falsely reporting to "cover" other activities does a disservice to true victims."

    The majority? Wow! I heard once police investigator say that he figured about one in five rape accusations were false, which seemed bad enough to me.

  13. The 98% number comes from a website that I visit occasionally which is managed by a forensic psychologist, and has several psychologists participate where they mainly discuss crime. The 98% statistic has been bandied about on several occasions but I have never asked them to cite their source, because I have never been all that interested in the statistic. However, next time someone starts talking about the issue of male on male rape, I will ask one of the psychologists for some good sources and I will list them here. These folks get really crazy about data, who did it, and the credibility of the source. So stay tuned. They claim that male on male rape is a big problemo.

    Buzoncrime: I consider all Baltimore neighborhoods to be the ultimate safety zone. The person who will most likely bring harm to me will be my mother, who's mental stability at the moment is highly questionable. She's 75, 4'11" and she is about as violent as anyone.
