Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dixon Speaks!

Not to the public, exactly.. instead she rang up Annie Linskey for a little girl talk, moaning, "The bad choice I made was getting in a relationship with Ron Lipscomb"
Way to pass the buck!
Maybe the judge will sentence her to six weeks of Tough Love bootcamp.
She went on to gripe about her perceived media mis-portrayals: "That I'm a corrupt human being, because I'm not ... That I use my office for my personal gain, and I don't. That I'm a person that used these positions for myself, and I don't."
Then do us all a favor, take the fall and step down!
She has a point though-- developers surely gained more out of her being in office than she ever did.
Think they'll cover her legal bills in gratitude?

1 comment:

  1. What she means is that Ronald Lipscomb snitched under pressure, and her kinda people Stop Snitchin'.
