Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The slow, slow wheels of justice...

Trial began for "Skinny Suge" and a co-defendant in federal court today. It's been two years since "Suge" was indicted, and three years since he immortalized the chestnut, "I hope you [snitches] catch AIDS in your mouth and your lips the first thing that die."


  1. Following the sixth amendment has the advantage of allowing you to try more people. Plus, by letting innocent people get tried faster, you can save money on housing them in prison.

  2. According to the story its been about two years since Suge was indicted.

  3. I took a look at the CityPaper's most murderous neighborhoods and saw that Broadway-East, Madison-Eastend and Baltimore Highlands all made the list. Reminds me why I would never consider getting house that's in Highlandtown or Baltimore-Linwood/Patterson Park (I still don't know what that neighborhood's real name is.) I feel bad for the people who bought around there during the boom and are now stuck in houses that are slowly slipping away into the ever expanding cesspool.

  4. Did anyone see the article about how they want to make the possession of a cell phone in prison a felony? Seems like a good idea in theory, but do they honestly think that guys like Patrick Byers who're willing to order the murder of a state's witness are going to be deterred by this? I mean hell, if you're committing capital murder what's one more felony charge?

  5. pp---I can't agree with you more about the encroaching crime and deterioration of the neighborhoods just several blocks north and east of Patterson Park.

    I've been watching with interest the shootings, murders, and other crimes as the Eastern District crime spills clockwise south and east.

    All of us remember, I hope, Zach Sowers and Anna's hopes for that area, and where some of those thugs lived.

  6. "Baltimore-Linwood/Patterson Park (I still don't know what that neighborhood's real name is."

    My friend lives there. He calls it North Canton. I call it an excellent stop for a National Guard deployment.

  7. North Canton? That sounds like the BS that sleazy realtors use.

  8. Here's a great neighborhood map:

    there's Baltimore-Linwood, Patterson Place, and above that, McElderry. But
    "North Canton," no.

  9. North Canton is like Brewers Hill which is like Washington Village.
