Friday, January 8, 2010

Teen stabbed

Teen stabbed 4 times in the leg at the Howard St. McDonald's


  1. An arrest has been made in the murder of Nolan Evans. Nolan was the son of hitman/double murderer/death-row inmate/all-around piece of loathsome human garbage Vernon Evans.

    As I said previously, I'm still angry that Vernon Evans is alive, but I got a lot of happiness out of knowing that he lived long enough to see his son get murdered. There is a certain irony that he was safer on death row than his son was out on the street of Baltimore.

  2. Addendum: Nolan Evans turned out to be every bit as much of a thug as his father was. I don't wish harm on law-abiding people simply because of what their parents did, but if you follow in your dad's criminal footsteps then expect nothing but glee from me when you die the way you lived.
