Friday, January 15, 2010

A Week in Charles Village

Thanks, Buz! Stolen "herbs," a brick thrown at a driver, a female mugger .. and as always lots of car windows broken for GPS systems.

Robbery (Unarmed) – 200 blk. E. 28th Street 1/6/10 10:55 pm
Property Taken: Bag, ID, Personal Papers, iPod, Travel Book, and Various Herbs
Two suspects approached the victim and knocked her to the ground. Suspect # 1 then wrestled with the victim taking her bag containing the above listed property. The suspects then fled S/B on Guilford Ave.

Robbery (Unarmed) – 2400 blk. N. Charles Street 1/9/10 4:00 pm
Property Taken: $80
The suspect approached the victim demanding his wallet. The victim stated that he did not have a wallet. The suspect then stated that she had a weapon, the victim handed the suspect his money. The victim attempted to keep the money from the suspect. The suspect then struck the victim multiple times and fled with the property.

Burglary (Residential) - 3200 blk. Abell Ave. 1/30/10 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Property Taken: Laptop, PS2, Games, Projector, and 40 DVD’s
An unknown broke the front door glass at the location to gain entry. The suspect fled the location with the above listed property through the same entry point.

Burglary (Residential) – 3100 blk. N. Calvert Street 12/27/09 11:37 pm
Property Taken/Recovered: Jewelry Box, Jewelry
An unknown suspect entered through a rear bathroom window. Upon entry the suspect removed the above listed property. The victim was home during the time of this incident and was able to flee the location and notify the police. The suspect fled the location however was located and arrested by the responding officer. The property was recovered.

Burglary (Residential) – 200 blk. E 30TH Street 1/8/10 6:30 pm – 1:30 pm (next day)
Property Taken: Laptop, DVD Player, TV, AND Camera
An unknown suspect entered through an unlocked rear window. The suspect then removed the above listed property and fled through the same POE.

Burglary (Commercial) – 2400 blk. N. Charles Street 1/6/10 6:50 am
Property Taken: 25” Security System Monitor
An unknown suspect broke a glass pane to enter the rear door, reached in and unlocked the door and entered. Upon entry the suspect removed the above listed property and fled the location.

Aggravated Assault – 2600 blk. Barclay Street 1/6/2010 4:10 pm
The victim was driving at the location when an unknown suspect threw a brick at the driver side window causing same to shatter. The victim was not injured during the incident.

Burglary (Residential) – 3300 blk. Guilford Ave. 1/4/10 7:45 am – 6:00 pm
Property Taken: Dell Laptop, LCD HD TV An unknown suspect broke a window and entered. Once inside, the suspect removed the above property and fled through the rear door. No witnesses.

Burglary (Residential) – 2900 blk. Calvert Street 1/6/10 3:00 pm – 2:00 am
Property Taken: XBOX Adapter, XBOX Games, IPod, Bracelet and Coin Currency
An unknown suspect broke the rear 3rd Floor window to gain entry. Upon entry the suspect removed the above listed property and fled with same through same POE.

Burglary (Residential) – 3000 blk. Greenmount Ave. 1/7/10 11:20 am
No Property Taken
An unknown suspect forced the rear door of the vacant dwelling to gain entry. An unknown caller advised 911. Upon police response the suspect was located inside of the dwelling and was placed under arrest.

Burglary (Commercial) – 2400 blk. Saint Paul Street 1/5/10 1:20 am – 2:20 am
Property Taken: Unknown
An unknown suspect kicked in the door of the business and made entry. The suspect fled the location with an unknown amount of property. No witnesses.

Larceny from Auto – 2600 blk. Saint Paul Street 1/5/10 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Property Taken: Tom Tom GPS
The suspect broke the front window and removed the above listed property.

Larceny from Auto – 2100 blk. N. Charles St. 1/5/09 8:00 pm- 10:15 am (next day)
Property Taken: GPS System
An unknown suspect broke the rear window to the victims 2007 Chevy Malibu and removed the above listed property.

Larceny from Auto – 2300 blk. N. Calvert St. 1/3/10 3:00 pm – 2:10 pm (next day)
Property Taken: GPS Mount
The suspect broke the passenger side window to the victims 2006 Chevy Aveo and removed the above listed property. No witnesses

Larceny from Auto – 2500 blk. Guilford Ave. 1/6/10 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Property Taken: Garmin GPS System
The suspect broke the window to the victims 1999 Nissan Maxima and removed the above listed property.

Larceny from Auto – 100 blk. E. 30TH Street 1/5/10 10:00 pm – 12:30 pm (next day)
Property Taken: Tom Tom GPS
The suspect broke the passenger side window to the victims 2005 Jeep Liberty and removed the above listed property.

Larceny from Auto – 2700 blk. Maryland Ave. 12/28/09 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Property Taken: Monkey Wrench, Screw Driver
An unknown suspect pushed an open window to the victims 1986 Mazda Truck, MD Tag 1427L2 and removed the listed property.

Campus Safety and Security

Weekly Campus Crime Report
January 4, 2010 – January 11, 2010

On Campus

ARREST – Robbery – Outside the Rear of Shaffer Hall – On Jan. 6th at 9:00 PM, a non-affiliated heavily intoxicated male holding his hands in his pocket as if armed approached a sophomore undergraduate, made threatening remarks and demanded money. The student handed over $13 cash and notified Campus Security as the suspect fled on foot. The student was not injured. Campus officers located the suspect in a basement stairwell off the 3200 Blk. of Hargrove St. where Baltimore Police arrested him on being positively identified by the victim. The victim’s cash was recovered from the suspect. The arrested person, a 19-year old non-affiliate, was charged with armed robbery and assault on a campus police officer.

Theft – NEB 218-B – Between Nov. 1st at 8:00 AM and Jan. 7th at 2:30 PM, an LED video projector was taken from its mounting bracket inside an unlocked conference room. Investigation continuing.

Theft – Bloomberg (Café) –Between Dec. 15th at 2:30 PM and Jan. 5th at 8:30 AM, a Café employee reported that 10 cups and 10 bags of potato chips were missing and sugar was spilled on the counter. After further investigation it was found that the lock on the cabinet was insufficient. The employee was advised to replace the lock with a more efficient lock.

Off Campus

Unarmed Robbery (of Non-Affiliate) – 2800 Blk. N. Calvert St. (east side) – On Jan. 6th at 10:55 PM, two unknown males, 20 – 25 years old, approached a non-affiliate from the rear, pushed her to the ground and forcibly took her handbag. The suspects ran south on Calvert St. to 28th St. and then ran south on Guilford Ave. The victim declined medical attention for a minor hand laceration. Baltimore Police and campus officers searched the area with negative results. Investigation continuing. See Security Bulletin WI-2 at

Thefts from Autos:

• 2800 Blk. Cresmont Ave. -- Between Jan. 8th at 9:00 PM and Jan. 9th at 10:30 AM, a GPS device was taken from the center console of a senior undergraduate’s parked vehicle. Entry had been gained by breaking the front passenger side window. Baltimore Police responded. Investigation continuing.

• 100 Blk. W. University Parkway (south side) – Between Jan. 8th at 10:30 PM and Jan. 9th at 10:00 AM, a radar detector was taken from the top of the dashboard of a non-affiliate’s parked pick-up truck. Entry had been gained by breaking the passenger side window. Baltimore Police responded. Investigation continuing.


  1. For all the crime in Charles Village, I never really see police patrolling the neighborhood. It seems like two squad cars with two cops each, could easily patrol the area where these crimes occur. It would be a pretty good deterent to see a regular and random police presence.

  2. What a fucking zoo.

  3. And here's


    I'm telling you, the Northern is in trouble. The kind of trouble that results in people leaving again. Quite a few people at the Guilford meeting mentioned this, in spite of remonstrations that 'this usuually doesn't happen here.'

  4. People that say "that usually doesn't happen here" amaze me. It just did happen here. What makes you think you community is so damn special?

    That ranks right up there with "There is no way my son did that, he's a good boy".

  5. Well, it's partly about property values. They'd like to imagine that there is a huge difference in exposure between their homes in Guilford and those in Waverly across the street.

    Waverly people know that the crime is rampant. Guilford people get incenced when it crosses the street and visits them.

    It's all in this notion of crime being 'allowed' in some places and unallowed in others.

    You'll notice that no one at the Guilford meeting called for the police to better patrol the Northern Corridor,... just their little slice of it.

    The way to eliminate the criminals is to find them where they live, not to ward them off of some enclave.

  6. It's time for Baltimore to realize that it hasn't got enough officers to babysit the huge population of offenders who have been allowed to colonize this city.

    I refer you to the study of police manpower effectiveness in lowering crime conducted by Marvell & Moody in 1996. They examined 56 cities, finding compelling evidence that more officers reduces crime, particularly in dense urban environments.

    The Marvell and Moody estimate shows that six times as much crime is prevented for each officer added in cities than added in all places on average. Why the benefit ratio exceeds the risk ratio is unknown, but one likely candidate is the greater population density in cities which lets additional police officers have greater effects on patrol visibility per resident.

    Stop screwing around and hire more f#@Kin' cops! People are being stuffed into the trunks of cars, for crying out loud. That should be a wakeup call.

  7. The Marvell & Moody study appeared in a 1996 volume of Criminology and addresses issues of so-called Specification Problems of interest in Econometrics.

    Another, more recent study of somewhat less rigor, is found here.

    It finds that policing effort can be quite effective and normatively addresses the importance of incentivizing service providers, including oversight from a national level. (wouldn't that be nice in Baltimore?)

    It also recognizes the important contribution of the demographic characteristics associted to particular places to the incidence of crime.

    As Interim-Mayor R-W thinks about what to do in terms of worsening public safety, I encourage her to read up and then step up to the plate.

  8. That study, Dutch in origin, finds considerable deterrent effect of policing on theft from auto, violent crime, juvenile nuisance, and drug nuisance.

    Sound like Charles Village ???

  9. Oh, and the burglary spree just keeps on a-goin' on the Samurai block of E. University Pkwy.
