Tuesday, February 2, 2010


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A man murdered Monday was ID'd as John England, 27. Reports the Sun, "England was sentenced to five years in federal prison in 2006 for firearm possession." But apparently that sentence didn't take.
Minor irony dept: England, subject of a paternity suit while imprisoned in Cumberland, was killed in front of the Center for Urban Families.


  1. 8:10AM on a Monday morning. For all we know this guy could have been walking to work. Maybe he had a job so he could pay his child support. For those who assume the worst, there also may be another story completely.

  2. This guy was a good guy he was just trying to live a better life for his son. Rip John

  3. He was a okay father. But someone who has been only out of jail a month. I dont believe that this was an accident.
