Friday, February 12, 2010

Behind the wheel of a city snow plow

a little insight into why some side streets remain unplowed.


  1. On my street in SW Baltimore we didn't wait for the city. All of my neighbors helped clear the street and each others cars. It took almost 3 days, but hey its done. even people that don't drive helped and in return they got transportation to and from the grocery store. A few people joked that we should set up a toll road. Funny thing a elementary school sets at the top of our road and the city never sent a plow...

  2. Too bad you won't get any of your property tax back for the service that the city didn't provide.

  3. We cleared our own street too. I'm a strong person and so are my neighbors. The city can concentrate on plowing streets that are occupied by the disabled and elderly. I don't need a refund, thank you very much.

  4. I thought of the same thing. I want to clear them, but I have no idea what to do with the snow. there is already two feet on the sidewalks. I know my neighborhood is game. We have cars on both sides of the street.

    I really don't blame the city. Where are they going to go with the snow? If you plow one street you put it into another street. There 40' piles of snow off of Kieth Ave. in Canton and a constant row dozens of dump trucks waiting to dump. I don't believe the city is doing nothing. Who could prepare for something like this?

  5. Apparently the County prepared for something like this.

  6. County roads are not city roads. What would you do with all of the snow that is on the shoulder of all the county roads if those roads had sidewalks, were lined with cars and were laid out in a grid?

  7. I'm amazed at what the city has done. I was driving around this morning and there are plows everywhere. The parking lots of the stadia have massive snow piles in them. With this amount of snow, I agree, there are few places to put it.

  8. City is doing very well, I'm on N side of Patterson and last night at 2am they have front loaders and dump trucks everywhere to haul the snow out, if you are complaining, stop, this was a emergency that no one could plan for, this is not the county, when you plow one street here you block 2 more, thats not the county.

  9. I live in the northeast and none of the streets have been touched. For the amount of taxes I pay into the city I would expect them to at least throw some salt down. I have lived on my street for 11 years and have NEVER seen a plow but my tax bill seems to find its way here.

  10. You all talk about what to do with the snow, there's no place for it to go, etc...

    What of all the dump trucks I've been seeing, hauling loads of snow to some unknown location (probably dumping it in the harbor).

  11. I was on York road yesterday driving into the city. The county side was completely open. Right at wells liquor on the city side it narrowed to barely one lane on each side. There were no parked cars and plenty of sidewalk/ front yard to place the snow. In tight places it's obvious the city has difficulty, but main arteries into the city must be cleared. If you're not complaining, you have your head i the sand.

  12. I don't take Anonymous's all that seriously. It's like playing keepaway.
