Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cultists go on Trial

Poor Ben Nuckols, getting to cover the case of the nutjobs accused of starving little Javon Thompson. Jury selection has begun, with Queen Antoinette and Trevia Williams representing themselves, in spite of ample evidence that they're thorough and complete lunatics.
More from JZ

And in Rockville, trial also begins for the Calvert County woman accused of killing her daughters and storing their bodies in a freezer.


  1. I'm glad to hear that these nutjobs are representing themselves. That essentially ensures that they will be convicted. I just hope some clever appellate lawyer won't be able to concoct some BS & claim that they shouldn't have been allowed to represent themselves in the first place.

  2. Regarding Fenton's story on crime during blizzards,

    What they don't tell you:

    The BCityPD refused to dispatch calls for crimes other than, like shootings and such in progress, during the storm. So, nonemergency victims hung up.

    Does that mean crime was down?


    Once again, Baltimore induced its numbers down.
