Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The difference is in the pistol whip

Self-defense double standard between 20-somethings Dominic Anderson, Abdullah Omar and John Pontolillo?


  1. Double standard?

    Mr. Pontolillo hacked off the wrist of a man who was guilty of trespassing in his yard. The man also had a criminal history. The trespasser deserved to die a horrible death and Mr. Pontolillo should be honored with a parade.

    In the case of Mr. Omar and Mr. Anderson, they are terrorists. A man shot another person in the face inside a hotel room and Mr. Omar and Mr. Anderson disarmed the man, wrestled him to the ground and then held him there until the police arrived. Clearly they are evildoers.

    Life is fairer for some. Mr. Omar and Mr. Anderson should have known to lighten their skin, join the upper-middleclass and attend a pristigious university. Sheesh.

  2. *Sigh*

    Not everything is about race, especially in Baltimore. Let's be serious, the sorts of people who vote for Pat Jessamy would probably love to see a white Hopkins student prosecuted.

    Pontolillo had to make a split-second decision when confronted with an intruder. Omar & Anderson beat a guy into a coma AFTER he'd been disarmed. That being said I do not believe they deserve to be prosecuted. The guy they beat had just shot someone else in the face, and if they went a little overboard in using force to defend themselves can we really blame them? Still, the two situations are very different.

  3. Ppatin:

    Show up in my bedroom in the middle of the night while I am asleep, and when I wake up I promise you the nicest thing I will possibly do to you is beat you into a coma. I will worry about my own safety first and the vagrancies of the law not at all. And this would be for someone who hasn't shot anybody. If you are brandishing a gun and shooting people I will kill you. I'm surprised the shooter is still alive, because if I had been there he wouldn't be.

  4. Cham:

    I agree with you 100%, the beating "victim" deserved everything he got. That doesn't mean that that incident is the same as the Hopkins Samurai incident because there are significant differences between the two.

  5. Oh, and BTW, the break-ins around University Parkway have continued unabated since.

    There were three on my block last week.

    {Need more samurai around here, 'cuz 5-0 ain't doin' squat}
