Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Plastered & Fossilized

Fredneck man found dead in an alley, drunk friends questioned.

...AG Doug Gansler writes a letter to MoCo Senator saying he thinks that the Court of Appeals could rule to recognize same-sex marriages from other states. His sentiments don't carry any weight-- there's no case in front of the court about out-of-state marriages, and at last visit the court was pretty clear that marriage exists expressly for "the attendant link to fostering procreation." (sorry, grandma!) Perry v. Schwarzenegger has a better shot with the Supreme Court than any hypothetical gay suit would with our fossilized bench.
Speaking out for civil rights is always nice, though, right?


  1. Student
    robbed at gunpoint
    in front of Struever/Hopkins housing complex.

    Familiar pattern.

  2. Peter Hermann covers SWAT raids in the Baltimore area.


    Over 10% of the city's raids were in Waverly! Waverly has a population of about 1% of the city's total, so it's about ten times more in need of being raided than murdaland Baltimore as a whole. Crap!

    Whatta hole.

  3. The Maryland Court of Appeals is hardly what I'd call conservative. The problem is that we have a lot of politicians in this state who're too chickenshit to bring up the issue in the General Assembly, and instead were hoping that the Court of Appeals would make the issue go away from them. I'm all for gay marriage, but it should be legalized through an act of the state legislature, not through legalese machinations.

  4. They arrested the guy who held up the student at Hopkins.

  5. Galt:

    I was in the Hopkins area on Tuesday. I lost an earring, double bead, black and purple. It's value is $0.50. Lost on Charles between 29th and 33rd. If that Hopkins security team in the yellow jackets finds it can you let me know?

  6. SCOTUS unanimously overruled the criminal-friendly Maryland Court of Appeals yesterday in their decision in Maryland v. Shatzer.

    The fact that even the court's most liberal justices disagreed with the Court of Appeals should tell you how out of touch with reality Judge Bell and his fellow thug-huggers on the COA are.

  7. Speaking of gay marriage, Don Dwyer's website was almost painful to read. He seems to think that nothing is more important that opposing gay marriage. I wish that the Maryland GOP would offer us real alternatives to the Democrats rather than retards like Dwyer and Andy Harris.

  8. "The fact that even the court's most liberal justices disagreed with the Court of Appeals should tell you how out of touch with reality Judge Bell and his fellow thug-huggers on the COA are."

    And then everyone complains about the crime problem in Baltimore.
