Monday, February 22, 2010

"Real Estate Developers Push To Rebrand Murder Heights Neighborhood Of Baltimore"


  1. All kidding aside, was at a discussion led by Daryl Landy, executive director of Pigtown Mainstreet. He was not a fan of the rebranding of the neighborhood as You-know-what Village. He feels that neighborhoods have history and they need something that makes them identifiable with that history. If the neighborhood name has something that people can remember they will forge a bond with the neighborhood, regardless of how weird or rotten the name is. A little explaining goes a long way.

    On another note, even with our rather impressive crime rate we managed to avoid being a winner of Americas Most Miserable Cities. Some of those cities deserve to be there, some not so much.

  2. I'd hate to see the name Pigtown disappear. Of course, I also think we should change Highlandtown back to its original name, Snake Hill. Maybe there's a reason I don't work in marketing.

  3. I was about .5 seconds away from looking on google maps for this neighborhood when I thought, this sounds a lot like an Onion story. Then I looked at the top of the page. I love The Onion.

  4. Speaking of America's Most ___ Cities, apparently, the safest part of Baltimore City is .... not IN Baltimore City. It's up by Goucher Blvd. in the county.

  5. That Forbes article was dubious at best. Seriously. Half of the blurbs in the "worst cities list" was about the freaking sports teams!

    Your home city is largely what you make of it. This is a free country you can live wherever you choose. If your city is truly "miserable" then you should leave it.

  6.'re almost right...there is a small sliver of the neighborhood on Loch Raven just below Register Ave. that is in the city, but there is no one lives there.
