Wednesday, February 10, 2010

.. but it's still a total dick move

SRB says she won't enforce the law against chairs in parking places.


  1. If the spot I dug out isn't there when I get back, I'll move your chairs.

    I'm not afraid of you, and when you see me coming, you won't complain. One of the benefits of sensible weight training. :-)

  2. I agree with the Jap spammers. Fugg off. If I spent 2 hrs digging my shit out to go to work then that spot's MINE! Especially since it's out front of my own damn house. If you haven't dug out shit and waited for the "real" neighbors to shovel out the street and then park your hoopty van in my spot you can best be sure I'll fuck you up. If EVERYONE dug thier shit out then we wouldn't have to save our spot. Snow like this seperates the good neighbors from the douchebags.
    Call it a dick move if you want but where did your car come from? And who's in your spot right now?

  3. You acting like a dick is not going to make your neighborhood any better. You are certainly not acting like a neighbor at all, acting like that. Maybe you should live in a cookie cutter subdivision with garages.

  4. From Spotcrime:

    Assault - 6XX S PORT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD - 02/02/2010 08:30 PM
    02/02/2010 08:30 PM

    A woman called her ex-boyfriend and asked him to fix her toilet because it was overflowing. The ex-boyfriend arrived, brought two bottles of alcohol and told the woman that she was on her own and he was not planning to help her. The woman and her ex-boyfriend argued, and he hit her in the face with a dust pan. He was arrested

    I give this one 4 out of 5 stars.

  5. so... her toilet was overflowing, he brought her booze and hit her in the head with a dustpan. Baltimore love!!

  6. When it comes to Baltimore City's roads, since as a county taxpayer, my money provides for their upkeep and construction, I assert the right to prima nocta and will toss your garbage aside if I need a parking space.

  7. History Punk:

    I recommend Tim's in Pigtown for inexpensive gently-used tires. You'll probably need 4 of them.

  8. Apparently public property becomes private property when it snows. Who knew?

    There's an irony that liberal Democrats like Mikulski and SRB suddenly see the wisdom of keeping what you earn when the snow starts to fall.

    "Where did your car come from?" Why not apply the same standard when there is no snow on the ground. Besides, maybe I was out of town the past week or maybe I need to get my car off of one of the snow emergency routes.

  9. If you're gonna be a total dick and steal some well dug out spot, then you can make it a non issue by digging out another spot or two nearby. If you don't dig out any spots, you don't deserve one that's already been carefully tended to.

  10. @History Punk - Not only do your county taxes not pay to clear city roads, what you do pay is only a fraction of what we pay hear for considerably more space.

  11. Lord High Fixer, you're a dick which is why you live in cookie cutter Canton. Another thing...The construction worker saw you for the white collar douche bag that you are. He's there to hang drywall asshole not answer your dumb questions. Finally, if I dig my car out of 50" of snow I've TEMPORARILY earned the right to that spot.

  12. And this is why my car isn't moving until the streets are completely clear and the parking situation returns to normal. I can walk to work, to two good grocery stores, four drugstores and an assortment of other stuff and if I have to I will rent a small pickup from the U-Haul down the street and use that to run errands or go places.

    "I'm not afraid of you"... I'll bet those were the famous last words of a lot of people who got a number here on this blog. I'm not getting into it. No move car, no lawn chairs, no trouble. If you see an empty spot where my car was that would mean hell isn't frozen over anymore and you are welcome to it.

    Heh... I was actually considering putting a parking pad in my backyard for situations like this. My lot is wide enough for it and there are already quite a few of those in my neighborhood. Figured I could use it as a sort of patio when the car didn't need to be in there. But I see now that getting a car into and out of the alley after a snow storm isn't exactly a plan.

  13. For those who live in Roland Park where there is plenty of parking don't tell me it's a dick move to save my spot that I spent 4 hours digging out.

  14. IF you want a spot to come home to every night buy a house with a garage or a parking pad. By choosing to live in a place where you rely on public parking, you have thereby given up your "right" to a personalized parking place. It does not matter if you shoveled it out or not, which is why placing your household junk out in the road to "save" a spot it illegal despite what our new mayor thinks about it. By placing holders in these spots you lower yourself to the level of the criminals you come to this blog to read about.

  15. I don't know about equating chair people with Thomas J. Leggs, but...
    it is a safety issue when you're down to one lane, you have to pull over to let a car by and there's all this furniture in the road.

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