Monday, March 22, 2010

Baltimore hates babies

Pregnant woman shot in the throat in West Baltimore

It takes a special person to be a foster parent, having to give a baby back to the relatives. I know foster care is expensive and all, but shouldn't there be zero tolerance for some things?


  1. I'm going to get flak for this, but that horrendous foster care story further reinforces my belief that some people should be forcibly sterilized. I generally don't get all gushy about children, but I cannot fathom how someone could hurt a 2-month old baby. Some people need to be flogged.

  2. Oh yeah, the author of that article also gets kudos for the BSG reference :)

  3. Although I appreciate the foster care system, I'm wondering if the baby in the Haynie case wouldn't have been better off with the biological father from the beginning. The dad seemed to have enough of a conscience to go to the police when he found out the mother murdered the baby. We don't know enough about him, but if he was capable and wanted to parent the biological father should be given the option to do so before we go handing off children to the foster care system.

  4. "Families" in Baltimore are sending their babies to aunts, uncles, and grandparents where they can then apply to the state for a foster care grant. These "families" should take care of their own and not defraud the Maryland taxpayers with their baby factories.
