Monday, March 15, 2010

ME rules on baby's death

It's officially a homicide. Police are now questioning the mother.

BPD reports that the mom is one Lakesha Haynie, F/B/1981, the infant's name is Rajahnthon Haynie. -- MJB


  1. The Federales are trying Gregory Saulsbury and Terrence "Squeaky" Richardson for racketeering and drug conspiracy. Both are alleged Bloods leaders.

  2. What do you do when that mean old Department of Social Services takes your 4 kids away because you are an incompetent parent?

    No sweat, have another baby. After all, it's allowed.

  3. Has anyone ever noticed that this city sucks? I wonder that it is like to live in a first or second world city. We received a crime alert email yesterday that an employee was pulling into the garage on Saratoga St. (near Lex. Mrkt.), got into a verbal dispute with a pedestrian and was smacked in the face.

  4. Anonymous, you didn't tell us what the "employee" did to piss off the pedestrian. I'll reserve judgment until I know more.

  5. Drive-by shooting @ 25th & Howard in Remington. Bad week for the the Northern District with both this murder and the one on the 2600 block of N. Calvert.

  6. I am so happy I'm moving out of Remington this week. It's an incredibly stressful place to live.

  7. Cham,
    I don't have the details about the "employee" (why the quotes?) or pedestrian, but does it really matter? Although it was probably along the lines of "Hey, get the F out of the road you douche", let's say the driver called the pedestrian's mom a hussie. Is that worthy of assault?

  8. You only have one side of the story, anon.

  9. Cham,
    For the sake of argument, hypothesize the other side of the story? What situation gives a pedestrian the right to physically assault a driver of a car when all indications are that the driver only entered into a verbal confrontation with the pedestrian?

  10. How do we know the "employee" didn't throw a punch first? What we have here is a third person telling a story. For all you know I was raped, beaten and left for dead this morning. No one can confirm or deny anything.

  11. Anonymous and Stephen,

    Cham tends to side with the perps.

    Not good or bad, just "is".

  12. I am an avid reader of the blog. I used to be a Cham (almost). But now I am in the middle (not quite ppatin). We need the Cham's and ppatin's in the world. Diversity of opinion is good. I also work at the University where this occurred and park at the same parking garage. I love this University and the people who work here (sorry so sappy), most of them anyway.
    The University recently ventured north and west of Fayette and MLK respectively. This IS a good thing. But there are growing pains. This recent incident is one of them. I am a city boy at heart, forced to move to the county for my childrens' education. A move I do not regret yet feel quite a bit of guilt. While I do sympathize but not quite agree with Anon that this city sucks, I do long for a day where Baltimore attracts people to live here. Sorry for venting, but it does feel good.
