Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"Relatives of the man who police say was killed by officers after he shot them ... were offended that the city's police commissioner called him an idiot. ... 'If I could meet the commissioner I'd punch him in the mouth,' said Miller's 80-year-old grandmother, Daisy Dawson. 'And I don't care where they'd lock me up. I'd leave my fist inside his mouth.' "

"Police stood by the statement."
...predictably the story and quote generated a lot of outrage


  1. Stupidity breeds more stupidity. Anyone surprised? Still, it boggles my mind that people can defend a guy who started taking potshots at cops. In most normal societies people would be ashamed that one of their relatives did that.

  2. I would not be someone that would pull a gun on police officers during a traffic stop, as I doubt the outcome would be positive. Having said that, I could see someone with a gun going into panic mode during a traffic stop, especially if they had a criminal history and figured the stop might result in a very long prison sentence. We don't know what went through the man's mind and never will. I've been witness to a perfectly intelligent people go into a panic-induced meltdown and it isn't very pretty. "Idiot" was a bad choice of words. The guys dead, why can't we just leave it at that without the insults? The police department can do better.

  3. I want to punch that old woman in the mouth for procreating.

  4. An 80-year-old saying she wants to punch Bealefeld in the mouth? I must admit I am a little surprised.

  5. Anyone driving around with a gun is an idiot. Anyone breaking from police custody is an idiot. Anyone shooting at the police is an idiot. So that makes him three times the idiot. No sympathy, he was, at the least, an idiot.

  6. "Ma baby didn't do nuttin wrong!"

  7. I am glad the perp is dead. He is no longer an idiot, he is worm dirt.

  8. notice the idiot 80 yr old woman made no mention of she was sorry her idiot grandson was stupid enough to shoot at police, but is offended that the commish called him an idiot. wow this town gets more sick and pathetic each day. well i hope that is the end of idiots in that family.
