Monday, April 19, 2010

Bodies in the habor

A friend of the most recent hispanic male found in harbor last week say foul play can't be ruled out.


  1. Hey, Baltimore!

    Given the ridiculous number of criminal cases which are nol prod each day and which would be prosecuted in just about any other Maryland jurisdiction, I think it's time to revisit prior analyses and figure out why you haven't improved the criminal justice system in Baltimore much since.

  2. The standout is PG Co., which appears to have nol prod an astounding 72% of its District Court criminal docket, folowed by Baltimore City at 44% and the remaining counties at an aggregate rate of 30% for 2009.

  3. Crime is down in Baltimore County.

  4. This headline is a load of sensationalistic crap. There's no evidence that any sort of misdeed took place, the comment by the friend was pure speculation.

  5. what in the H is a habor?
