Friday, April 30, 2010

Car stop

Do police need to rent an infinti to bust drug dealers?


  1. Prison-guard killer Brandon Morris had his sentence reduced by the Court of Special Appeals. His new sentence is life w/o parole plus 227 years, rather than the LWOP plus 277 years that he was originally sentenced to.

    Can you believe that lawyers get paid to argue about this kind of pointless crap? I hate that whole profession oh so much.

  2. What the hell is wrong with this picture? Baltimore police can't chase suspects in vehicles because of the danger. The low life must know this. So they flee, knowing they won't be chased. But then kill someone while you're fleeing? Sounds like the worst you can be charged with is manslaughter. This is the second time in the last year when a fleeing criminal has killed someone in a wreck. What do they give you for manslaughter in Baltimore? Time served? I know other jurisdictions/states do the felony murder thing when innnocents are killed while fleeing police. I guess they need to keep the murder count down.

  3. "What the hell is wrong with this picture? Baltimore police can't chase suspects in vehicles because of the danger."

    ppatin answered this question in the post right above yours. There are THOUSANDS of shysters out there that would love to sue the city and police for a car chase accident.

    THAT is why the police cannot chase perps. Not public safety, but money.......

  4. They use the helicopter to follow and apprehend the fleeing scum. Oh that's right, SRB wants to get rid of that too.
