Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crime Odds and Ends

In a bit of good news, an arrest is made in the killing of a 72 year old man.

Have you seen this man? He's wanted in connection with a slaying from earlier this month.

In yet another incident of bar violence, five people are stabbed near the Carlos O'Charlie's bar. Expect to see Carlos O'Charlie's facing severe padlock pressure from the BPD.

Watch, they'll still probably acquit him; a man is arrested after shooting another man in front of both security cameras and two city detectives.

And finally, life in prison for career offender and heroine kingpin David Rich.


  1. Quote:

    Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. “Now that David Rich’s life of crime has come to an end at age 34, the streets of Baltimore will be more safe.”

    “The sentence that Mr. Rich received today should send a strong message to other career criminals engaged in drug trafficking that this type of behavior will not be tolerated,” stated Ava A. Cooper-Davis, Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

    Rosenstein and Cooper-Davis must be on crack. The criminals aren't that concerned about the feds.

  2. The US Attorney's Office honored the father of Warren Fleming with their second annual Carl Lackl award. It's a pity that a nitwit Baltimore County judge denied Fleming what he really deserved, a death sentence for Brian Rose...

  3. The killing of Mr. Bowman never would have happened if Michael Hunter would have served his whole two year sentence for "handgun viloations" instead he served two months and was let lose to victimize hard working citizens yet again.

  4. Lamar Harris, one of the hoodlums who murdered House of Corrections CO David McGuinn FOUR YEARS ago is a step closer to standing trial. It's beyond obscene that the case has taken this long. The trial of his co-conspirator Lee Stephens is theoretically supposed to start in August. Both men are facing the death penalty.

  5. More here on a familiar pattern in violent criminals with violent histories being treated to a slap on the wrist.

    It's pretty simple, Baltimore:

    take the trash out.

  6. Michael Hunter is now on probation from handgun & ammo charges, and both he and Taylor (please see District Court case 2B01970488 for his Nol Pro) have been on the Nol Pro Express for assault, guns, etc, for the past several years since reaching the age of majority, courtesy of the State's Attorney's office. One can only guess what wonderful escapades occupy their juvie rap sheets.

    Why the hell do we give these thugs about 25 second chances?

    Who ever heard of 35 strikes and you're out?

  7. According to your case reference, Galt, Taylor was found guilty of carrying a "dangerous weapon". A dangerous weapon could be a nail file or a can of soda, depending on its alleged usage. It's a catchall.
