Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Media blabber

"Tribune Co. and its creditors agreed Monday to accept the appointment of an independent bankruptcy examiner in the Chapter 11 case, opening the door to further scrutiny of Tribune Co. Chairman Sam Zell's 2007 leveraged buyout of the Chicago-based media conglomerate." reports... the Tribune.
Malkovich Malkovich!


  1. Wasn't American Wings on 24th Street in Charles Village burgled just a week or so ago?

    Well, they were robbed at gunpoint last week.

    This is how it starts in Charles Village, first in the mid 20's, then up toward the University.

    Oh, and there was another break-in on University Parkway.

    Summer is gonna be fun.

  2. American Wings at 24th is a solitary outpost in Charles Village. Not surprised they were robbed. Also, crooks don't have to travel all the way to university blvd. to ply their trade, Northwood is under siege by muggers and burglaries, all in broad daylight.
