Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Payroll scandal

City employees who helped a sex offender stay on city payroll while in jail may face criminal charges.


  1. As I indicated when Bealefeld was crowing about crime being down....

    not at home.

  2. More from Ran Rodricks.

    IF Rodricks's claims are true then yeah, this guy should get out of prison. What I don't understand is why they're going to the governor for clemency. The appropriate thing to do with newly discovered evidence of innocence is to file a petition for post-conviction relief. IANAL, but I think that even if the guy in question has already filed a PCR petition he can file a second one if meaningful new evidence is discovered. The fact that they aren't going through the normal channel for new evidence tells me that the case for his innocence isn't nearly as solid as Rodricks would like us to believe.

  3. You notice in this payroll scandal nobody has been fired or has resigned from the DPW. The DPW clearly is doing everything they can to protect their employees, and the damaging report is getting passed on to the prosecutor's office. So these folks could easily be working for the DPW right up to the point they may be found guilty in a court of law. I sort of wonder how that meeting went between McClintock and the DPW. I envision something happened like:

    McClintock: DPW, you have some very dangerous employees working for you that knowingly put a sex offender near children and in people's homes, and then helped this creepster keep his job and get paid while in prison. These people need to go.

    DPW: Pound sand.

    McClintock: Okay, have it your way. I'll hit FedEx on the way home and the report will be on the prosecutor's desk by morning. Nice working with you.
