Friday, April 2, 2010

Right on red

If you live the city, come to a full stop before taking a right on red, they're snagging thousands of people for rolling...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If the city installs speed cameras on every block, red light cameras at every light and stop sign cameras at every stop sign do I still have to pay property and income tax? I just invested $50 on new tires for my bicycle and haven't stopped for a stop sign or red light in ages. I just blow on through with the wind in my hair.

  3. Don't bitch when you get hit by a car. I try to be courteous to cyclists, but I HATE the ones who act like they own the road and don't have to follow the same rules that cars do.

  4. Cham would just hire a shyster from Saiontz, Kirk and Miles and sue the morotist.

  5. As a matter of fact, I DO own the road.

  6. Mel:

    Stephen Miles left that firm about a year ago. They're just Saiontz & Kirk now.

    I remember wanting to gag when I heard that Miles was running for Baltimore County State's Attorney. Thank god Scott Shellenberger beat him in the primary. "If you have a phone, you have a prosecutor." *shudder*
