Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Your tax $ at work

A $7.4 million judgment against the BPD for family of man who died in custody .. according to the Sun, the victim, arrested for public urination, was allegedly killed after officers put him cuffed without a seat belt in the van, then intentionally drove recklessly, fracturing his spine.

Info sought on pack of juveniles that stoned a dog


  1. And in More Tax Money at Work, State's Attorney Jessamy trades barbs with the BPD over the use and effectiveness of camera evidence.

    YOu give them resources and both offices think themselves in a position to use or not use them to political advantage.

    The cameras are there to cut the crime, folks. Use 'em.

    It's like pulling teeth to get either office to check the camera evidence, unless it's a high-profile case, like a murder.

  2. As for crime being down, no one can deny the decrease in murder and, I believe, shootings, but in my area, nonviolent crime is definitely up.

    I checked the citywide stats for Jan.-Feb., and found that while crime reports TAKEN may be down, crime reported to the police was NOT.

    In fact, it was up just a bit, using police 911 calls for service.

    So, understand that Baltimore is just becoming a safer place in which to deal drugs and burgle people's homes. Not much more.

  3. If one goes to the store and buys a dark colored hoodie and wears it during their basic day to day activities it becomes next to impossible to identify that person on a surveillance camera. Tens of millions of taxpayer dollars have been neutralized by what you can obtain from Wal-Mart for $7. You think the DOJ would have seen that coming.

  4. Well, possibly it should be unlawful to conceal your face in certain high-crime areas.

    I'd completely support a ban on wearing masks in public places.

  5. You can't make a law that says you can't conceal your face in "high crime areas" only. Either you can't conceal your face or you can, it's going to be one or the other. Then you have to take into account religious freedom, what about burqas and abayas? The Islamists would go crazy. Now private businesses can have a no-mask policy, the Stop Shop and Save on Clifton Avenue has a no-mask and no-hoodie sign.

  6. Actually, you can. See the school drug-free zone designations. You just red-line the exclusion zones in the legislation.

    As for that ACLU crap, I don't give a damn. If they are so religious, don't walk the street - get a limo and you can dress how you want inside.
