Monday, May 10, 2010

"Boyfriend" Andrew Jackson charged with strangling his pregnant girlfriend, Betsy Sue Riggin, 29. Riggin was 5 months pregnant, fetuses are generally considered viable after 28 weeks.

Three men plead guilty in $20m pawn shop scheme

O'Malley: MD's crime lowest since 1975


  1. Just like when he ran Baltimore the stats showed tremendous drops in crime. The stats are meaningless when O'malley's people are counting. Does anyone really believe this garbage? Just take a stroll down any B'more street after dark and tell me how safe it is, or how about a nice jog in Druid hill?

  2. Omigosh! Shocking, shocking! They accused pawn shops of selling stolen goods!
    The next thing the authorities will tell us is that there is prostitution on the Block!
    (And gambling at Rick's)

    John---I think there has been a drop, but, of course, when you start at a very high level, you still have high crime. It just doesn't feel like low crime, because it isn't, but things have improved--and all around the country.
    Nobody seems to know why, but police and politicians take credit.
