Thursday, May 20, 2010

'MD Slaps Domestic Violence Victims in Face'

Ms. magazine slams MD's restraining order policies

Police say the 21-year-old felon initially accused of giving a toddler gonorrhea is "'not being considered a suspect' at this time." Notably, the incubation period for gonorrhea is 2 to 30 days.


  1. Fox 45 had a story yesterday about how it has been 27 years since the brutal murders of Irvin and Rose Bronstein. Their killer, John M. Booth, has been sentenced to die by three separate Baltimore juries but remains alive on death row to this day. Our legal system is broken.

  2. Here's a link to the story I mentioned.

  3. It would be nice the if Ms. blog didn't just dismiss the arguments of father's rights advocates. False accusations of abuse (against both men AND women) do happen and are a real problem, it's not just a simplistic situation where the law is screwing over battered women.
