Thursday, May 13, 2010

What the?!

"Gonorrhea confirmed in 18-month-old"


  1. Ewww...

    Is it possible for a mother to pass this no to a kid when giving birth?

  2. I think it can be transmitted from the birth canal into a baby's eyes, but that's rare these days because newborns routinely get antibiotic ointment swabbed on their eyes after birth. If the strain was somehow antibiotic-resistant it would cause a major oozing eye infection and possibly blindness. I could be wrong but I don't think there's such a thing as the baby catching it at birth and having it for almost 2 years and being asymptomatic.

  3. That's interesting/awful, since it sounds like there was only one way this could have happened...

    This is the sort of crime that makes me think we ought to have castration as a possible punishment for exceptionally awful sexual crimes.
