Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another day in the lfie

7 year old contracts venereal disease from 22-year old

May 15th stabbing victim was set to be a witness at an upcoming murder trial

Dirt bike accident leads to b-more style beat down.


  1. The dirt bike story is a perfect example of why you should NEVER stop if you get into an accident with a hoodlum on a bike. Keep driving, call 911 to report the accident, and tell them that you were threatened so you had to leave the scene. Don't try to render aid or anything like that, you're putting yourself in danger and the thugs who tear through this city aren't worth the effort anyways.

  2. Hell, now you have a valid reason for fleeing the scene, so just start gunning for these animals. Do a quick lane-change as they wheelie past your blind spot. Oops! Then high-tail it out of there and tell the cops they threatened you. It would serve these animals right, 100% of these bikes were stolen out someone's garage.
