Tuesday, June 1, 2010

it's curtains for you, Miranda, my dear...

The US Supreme court rules "a suspect who has received and understood the Miranda warnings, and has not invoked his Miranda rights, waives the right to remain silent by making an un-coerced statement to the police."


  1. that's horrid, but why would anyone who had the means to be anywhere else put themselves in the Middle East?

  2. Perhaps a sense of moral imperative...

  3. This is a blog about crime, please keep your Israel/Palestine crap off of the comments section.

  4. Another girl from Maryland was shot in the face. Thanks for your analysis, p.

  5. Blockade running is a dangerous business. She should be grateful she only lost an eye.

  6. ppatin,

    Your last comment definitely brought out a chuckle. Thank you sir. And I really do think that certain powers would love it if we would refocus all of our attention on the Middle East and not on the disasters happening domestically.

  7. I'm no big fan of the pro-Israel crowd (it's become clear to me that a lot of their most fanatical supporters in the US are more loyal to Israel than they are to their own country) but the "Free Palestine!" hippies are usually the same kind of idiots who latch onto causes like "Free Mumia" and similar fringe far-left stupidity. F em all I say, cut all aid to Israel and to the Palestinians and let them kill themselves. It's not our problem.

  8. The anonymity of the internet emboldens the belligerence of cowards.

  9. I'm not anonymous, several people who post here have been able to find out who I am with ease. You could too if you wanted to, it's not like I hide my disgust with both Israel and stupid anti-Israel hippies in real life either.

    BTW, here's a lesson that Ms. Honochowicz hopefully learned: When you see a clash between riot police and stone throwing teenagers, turn around and WALK AWAY! Do not hang around because bad things may happen to you.

  10. The radical left and Islam are in bed with each other to topple the United States.

    Simple as that. I am HAPPY the bitch lost an eye.
