Thursday, July 15, 2010


So much for a BCrime happy hour meet & greet with Gregg Bernstein!
His campaign writes, "Thanks for your note and generous offer. As it is only about eight weeks to primary day, we are focusing our efforts on Meet and Greet opportunities in peoples homes in their own neighborhoods. ... Thanks again for your interest in Gregg's campaign."


  1. Did you remember to inform him of the awards from City Paper and elsewhere won by this blog? If not, he probably didn't think you or your readers worth his time.

  2. If you have HBO check out the Omar Broadway documentary on demand...he sneaks a CAMCORDER into Newark Northern State Prisons Gang Unit for 6 months.,,very interesting footage,,,

    heres the trailer!

  3. nope, did not inform him of our awards or 800-1200 daily readers and don't have HBO.. sigh!
