Monday, August 30, 2010

Dawson Family Blame Game Cont'd

Page Croyder: The Dawson Family and its Failed Response gets a response from Ditanya Madden, "star" of Gregg Bernstein's commericals, and Adam Meister gets a (sole) pro-Jessamy response on the Sun talk forums

... and Jessamy will be on the Marc Steiner show tonight from 5-6 on 88.9


  1. Look, I'm as much pro-Bernstein as 99% of the people who participate on this blog are. I've gone to meet and greets, donated money to his campaign, and cheered him on at the debate in Canton, but why do you give a damn what Adam Meister says? He's a shameless self-promoter who has deluded himself into thinking that he's a 21st century H.L. Mencken.

    The fact that Meister endorsed a slumlord and felon for Baltimore City Sheriff should make you question his judgment.

  2. I'm a little skeptical of Page Croyder as well. She may be the deal deal, but she also gives off this impression of being someone who has decided to make a second career out bashing Patricia Jessamy. Sure PJ deserves to be criticized, but I'll always wonder how honest Croyder's versions of events are.

  3. I don't agree with either them all the time, but they always have something to say..
