Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The mystery woman in Harris case to be called first

The woman in the car with councilman Ken Harris when he was shot will be the first witness to be called, prosecutors said today.


  1. now THAT is interesting. Enquiring minds want to know! And WTF is a "slugh foot"?

  2. No one seems to know except the guy on the witness stand, we asked the lawyers...

  3. "Slugh foot"= "slew foot" ... feet pointing out rather than straight ahead ... the opposite of "pigeon toed?" Just a guess ...

  4. I've heard she was married to a cop, and also that she was a professional paid companion who met lonely gentlemen by the Greenmount cemetary, will be interested to know if either of those rumors have any truth.

    .. so the internets reveal no "slugh foot," though the "slough foot" is apparently a dirty hockey move, and there's Slewfoot Sue, who came between Pecos Bill and his horse, though I've always assumed she got that nickname from sticking her feet in the slough to ride the catfish. Maybe his foot was dragging as if in the mud of a slough?

  5. Wayyyy too much being made of this so-called mystery woman. Police keep witnesses anonymous so as not to endanger their safety. But certain people would like you to think the withholding of her identity is some sort of vast conspiracy. Why?

  6. ... whoever she was, she wasn't his daughter, they weren't out selling Bibles and that whole 'corkscrew' story sounded mighty fishy ...
