Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nol Pros in McCann case

A suspiciously dead body found in a stairwell near the Circuit Court building, and the 137th murder victim = a man shot in July who recently succumbed to his injuries. (WTF? 69 Facebook users "like" this story.)

Remember Annie McCann? One of the guys who admitted to police that he ransacked her car and removed her dead body from her Volvo to go joy-riding in it has gotten off scot-free. Prosecutors say a "lack of evidence" led to a nol pros of the case. Un.Frickin.Believable.

... speaking of prosses, State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy's fundraising reports show that she raised about $46,000 since her last finance report in January. The Sun notes two of the g's were from Jessamy's old pal Doug Duncan, whom she endorsed when he ran against O'Malley.

Severn a-hole charged in road rage murder

.. and in case you were wondering what the Ottobar lawsuit was about, TDR's John Cord has the backstory


  1. Sounds like Jessamy's getting a mudhole stomped in her as far as fundraising is concerned.

    I wonder how the funding will be used when it comes to commercials.

    Do any of you think Bernstein can win this thing?

  2. Sorry to be cynical, but I'm pretty sure Jessamy is going to win this thing. People are more concerned about 'social justice' than they are about reducing crime. Criminals are characterized as victims of society with no control over their own actions, while murder victims are referred to as 'sleeping babies.' It's sick really.
